High School / Middle School Track
Conversion: What’s your story?
Open to rising 6th-12th graders
12:30-3:30 p.m. – Upper Level: East Wing Room 220
What’s your conversion story? How do people find the faith? What changed in someone’s life that led them to the Catholic Church? Have you ever experienced this?
Join us at the Charlotte Convention Center for the 2024 Eucharistic Congress: a day of fun, prayer and intimacy with our Lord in the Eucharist.
Marcellino D’Ambrosio and Jimmy Coleman will share their stories of conversion, there will be trivia, music from Belmont Abbey College students, a talk from newly ordained Father Matthew Harrison, small group breakout sessions, adoration, and the opportunity to receive the sacrament of confession.

Co-Founder + Creative Director of Sherwood Fellows

Adoration Ultra
Register: Parents, please register in advance (click the button above) or go to Concourse C Saturday between 8-11 a.m. to sign up your child(ren). Advance registration is highly encouraged to reduce wait time in line.
Check In: All parents and students – both advance and same-day registrations – MUST check in Saturday between 8-11 a.m. at Concourse C to receive a wristband necessary to enter the track at 12:30 p.m. Parents of middle school students will also be given a parent wristband to show Security at dismissal.
Dismissal: Parents of middle school students, please go to Room 220 at 3:30 p.m. to pick up your child. A parent wristband is required in order to pick up a middle school student. High school students will be released at 3:30 p.m.