Bishop’s Youth Pilgrimage Speakers

Fr. Stan Fortuna

Fr. Stan Fortuna is a member of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal in Bronx, New York. A renowned jazz bass musician and recording artist, he is a founding member of his religious order. His primary apostolate is with youth in the Bronx. Ordained in 1990, Fr. Stan brings a wealth of love and enthusiasm for Our Lord and His people to all of his work.

Katie Knoefel

Katie Knoefel is a North Carolina native and has worked in ministry at various parishes in the Charlotte area. A passionate evangelist and a gifted presenter, Katie brings a wealth of experience about encountering Christ in our daily lives.

Abbot Placid Solari

Benedictine Abbot Placid Solari has been a monk of Belmont Abbey since 1974. He became the eighth abbot of the Benedictine monastery in 1999 and chancellor of Belmont Abbey College, where he still teaches today and plays a vital role in the hiring process for staff and faculty. He is a great believer in the college’s goal to educate students in discernment of God’s will and seeking truth in all aspects of their lives.

Bishop Michael Martin

Bishop Michael Martin, OFM Conv., was ordained the fifth bishop of the Charlotte diocese in May 2024. With an extensive background in education and ministry – including as a teacher, coach and principal – he has held a number of leadership positions in the Church, particularly in Catholic secondary education, youth ministry and campus ministry. His episcopal motto is “Duc In Altum” (“Put Out Into the Deep”), a call for all people, and especially young people, to become disciples of Jesus and help build His Kingdom here in our own communities.