Eucharistic Congress Prayer

O Jesus,
Who art really, truly and substantially
present in the Blessed Sacrament to be the food of our souls,
deign to bless and bring to a successful issue
all Eucharistic Congresses and gatherings,
and especially the coming Congress of the Diocese of Charlotte.
Be Thou the inspiration of our labors, resolutions and vows;
accept graciously the solemn homage we will render to Thee.
Send Thy Holy Spirit
to kindle the hearts of priests, deacons, religious and all the faithful, especially the children,
so that devout participation in the Holy Mass
and frequent and daily Holy Communion
may be held in honor in all the countries of the world;
and grant that the Kingship of Thy Sacred Heart over human society
may everywhere be acknowledged
to the glory of God the Father.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, bless the Congress.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, Patroness of our Diocese, pray for us.
Saint Paschal Baylon, pray for us.
Saint Patrick, pray for us.